The bees are busy at the Magnalia Homestead & Farm! Master beekeeper Uncle Scott Van Eerden and his protege John Mark, in partnership with our friends at Mayo Apiary, are tending the hives and helping (together with poplars, blueberries, our 22-box community garden and other ecosystem elements) to create their golden magic.
We package it up in old-fashioned jars with one incredible quart of Homestead Honey and a wood honey dipper and affix to it (with love) a "Homestead Honey" label.
100% guaranteed to bring you sweet gladness, and 100% of proceeds benefit the work of Magnalia Homestead Foundation.
Free Delivery in the Triad, NC area only. Orders outside the Triad NC area may be subject to incremental tax and shipping costs.
“The world will never starve for want of wonders;
but only for want of wonder.”

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