Our hearts are full to overflowing with gratitude to all the “Team Magnalia” helpers who made this our grandest Independence Day celebration EVER!!!!
We had an estimated 750 patriots, young and old alike, for a line-up of events that honored our great country: its history, its diverse people, and its inspiring and exceptional ideals. We tried to do our small part to live up to the expectations of John Adams, our second President, who wrote this about Independence Day:
It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.
We hope a few pictures will convey a thousand words. It was magical, and meaningful — a grand way to “re-member” ourselves as Americans.
May God bless our country and its people, and may God help each of us in this unique year in our nation’s unfolding story to do our part in loving well, in working hard, in fostering community, and in upholding our founding creed with steadfast faithfulness.
Special thanks, among others, to Fireworks Marshall Maj. DeWitt Pace (and his son Jay); equestrian dream-makers Kevin Shanahan and Julia Dietz Shanahan; small goal soccer match maestro Bekah Wolfe; hayride captain John Mark-Isabel Van Eerden; pickleball tournament coordinator Tyrome Holloman; Master Gardener Dorothy Dockery Clement; Spinster Laura Frazier; our bee-keepers from Mayo Apiary; Blacksmith Scott Smith; knitter Dick-Donna Van Eerden; Colonial Stew Maker Bill Lindsay; Crafts Divas Abby Schmidt and Emma Schmidt and Jen Van Eerden Schmidt; Historical Reenactors Charlotte Marcellus and Brendon Vail; Photo Booth coordinators Peter Van Eerden and his bride Olivia; singers David Holley and his wife Jeanne; Watermelon Wizard Pamela Elliott; Stage emcee Kevin Hallquist; stage manager Israel Kloss; Hot Dog Stand Manager Loren Bridges Germeroth; Beverage Stand Managers Eric Bolton, Joseph Van Eerden, Katie Van Eerden and Will Bekah Wolfe; parking coordinator Paul Van Eerden; payment processing techies Leah Lynn Van Eerden and Michael Reittinger; decorations coordinators Debra Greenwood Cowan; Ryan-Elizabeth Crawford and Rachel Van Eerden; Semper Fi Reader Rick Vogel; magician Scott Van Eerden; Pistol Shoot Sheriff Jacob Delargy; chicken coup handlers and flying squirrel exhibit managers Zack Payne; riding mower captain Joshua K. Van Eerden; face painters Adaiah Bolton and Teegan Payne; Camp Paradiso reader Hunter Smith; Shortcake Stand Managers Buzz and Lee Gallien; photographer Timothy Harrison; our incredible neighbors who are gracious to us and our guests; our local heroes from the Stokesdale Fire Department; our vendor-friends from Taco Brothers, Adolfo Mechanical Bulls, Coolin’ Out Ice Cream Truck, Henry Jordan and team on sound, The Core Crew (Caleb Vogel, Joel Germeroth, Joel Bowman, Jay Lindstrom and Matt Richardson) plus many other family and friends we’re missing in this list…you know who you are!
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