What happens when the cost of building an important building runs out of control?
Well. Sometimes, you have to cancel your building project, no matter how important it might be, and no matter the commitments you made to have it ready and available as a special place for special people in the Fall.
But. Sometimes you have friends (including friends you’ve never met) who offer trees from their surrounding farms that are as spectacular as any trees you’ve seen. They cut them into 8′ and 10′ sections with chainsaws as big as any chainsaw you have seen, and fetch them with a tractor as strong as any tractor that you’ve watched in action. They drop those logs on their very stout trailer, pulled by a diesel truck you wish you could own (some day).
And they bring those logs to YOU, for MILLING — for a barn built to bless people who you love.
They won’t let you pay them: not even for the gas. All you can do is pray with them when they arrive, and consecrate the wood, that it might be a blessing to those who will one day soon enjoy it.
That’s one of many stories now unfolding as we set ourselves to building of this place called The Jubilee Barn.
These things still happen, in these days of ours….
What a glorious story of provision and of grace! Vintage YHWH!
This makes my heart so happy!! 💕